video game log

i normally don't like beat em ups but this game is really something special. for the uninformed this was square enix's debut title on the playstation 2. i'm not very far in but it's a really short game anyway i'll probably beat it tomorrow. also the ui chirp sfx are rly just pitched up kh ui chirp sfx. or the kh ui chirp sfx is just pitched down bouncer ui chirp sfx. much to think about.

this is great.

started playing this with my gf last night. i haven't much to say about it so far. it has been very funny seeing things unfold with only vague knowledge i've absorbed thru osmosis from friends who are tales of fans. i'm already aware luke is a pretty dynamic character so i'm interested in seeing how that pans out. i'm sick to bastard death of hearing yuri lowenthal, kirk thornton, and johnny young bosch in things though im sorry. also can't wait to eat a cheagle. also also here's this gif i made of luke freaking the fuck out. goodnight (it is almost 8am).